Listen in and text the KRUZ text line at (805) 283 2800 to win 3-day passes to the
Throwdown Cornhole Festival and Car Show at the Ventura Fairgrounds August 25th thru August 27th!
The world’s largest cornhole tournament!
Contest Rules CLICK HERE
Listen in and text the KRUZ text line at (805) 283 2800 to win 3-day passes to the
Throwdown Cornhole Festival and Car Show at the Ventura Fairgrounds August 25th thru August 27th!
The world’s largest cornhole tournament!
Contest Rules CLICK HERE
“Mornings with D.R. Daily” Monday through Friday 6am to 10am
“Workday with Chad” Monday through Friday 10am to 3pm
“Drive at 5″ with L.A. Dave Monday through Friday 3pm to 6pm
“Nights with Steve Perez” Monday through Friday 6pm to 12am