Chelsea Handler Contest

All this week be listening to KRUZ 103.3 weekdays for your chance to qualify for tickets to:

Chelsea Handler and the ‘Little Big Bitch Tour‘ at the Santa Barbara Bowl!
(AUGUST 17TH, 2024)

Text the Keyword On the KRUZ Text Line at (805) 283 2800 for your chance to win!

Ticket link:


D.R Daily

D.R Daily

“Mornings with D.R. Daily” Monday through Friday 6am to 10am

Chad Taylor

Chad Taylor

“Workday with Chad” Monday through Friday 10am to 3pm

L.A. Dave

L.A. Dave

“Drive at 5″ with L.A. Dave Monday through Friday 3pm to 6pm

Steve Perez

Steve Perez

“Nights with Steve Perez” Monday through Friday 6pm to 12am
